Saturday, June 4, 2011

Trip to Meridian Postponed

In my last entry I was thinking about going to the Defiant capitol of Meridian. Mostly for the fun of it of course, not looking to "grief" any low level players. Unfortunately I found out some rather disheartening facts, even though it would be in the Defiant starter zones I would still get flagged for PvP and the NPC guards would automatically attack me. Considering I am only level 32 at the moment I figured I should probably postpone my little trip until I get to a higher level and have a chance at surviving. :)

In the mean time I have been playing a lot more PvP while trying to finish up quests in Silverwood. I know the XP gain in Silverwood is little for me now, most of the mobs are grey to me, but it lets me enter and exit PvP with little chance for zoning back on top of some beasty with my pet dead and me not long behind them. I also believe there is an achievement for finishing all the quests in Silverwood so there is that to look forward to.

As for PvP I have finally decided that Ranger is probably the most fun, and rewarding, soul setup available to Rogues. Others might argue that Assassin's would be, but there is something extremeley satisfiying about KIT'ing a real person, unlike simply sneaking up behind them and bursting them down. Playing as a Ranger also affords me the chance to send my pet after someone while running away ^_^ Nothing worse than having some random razorbeast attacking you from behind is there?

Trion recently added an incentive to use the random dungeon finder, a chest at the end of the dungeon that awards you an item for your class. I must say this has reinvigorated my interest in the instanced dungeons. Even though I normally only do one dungeon a night I find myself looking forward to them more often.

I have taken some more videos of encounters with boss level monsters however I have not had a chance to upload them to Youtube yet. Hopefully my next post will be filled with some great videos of Telara.

End of day level - 32

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