Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dungeons - Weeeeee!

Got into a new dungeon last night, Darkening Deeps. A friend and myself qued up with the looking for dungeon utility, it took a little while of course to actually get into a group, but once there it was a fairly fun time. Unlike my first solo dungeon event that went off without a hitch, no deaths for anyone in the group. This time the group wiped a couple times someone even left towards the end and we had to get another person (a tank) to help us finish the run. Felt kind of sorry for them since they cued for a whole dungeon run and basically showed up for the last boss.

I have also found the usefulness of the auction house ^_^ I have been making a tidy profit selling the lesser essences I find during major raids in Silverwood. Most of them sell for somewhere between 20 and 50 gold. While I have not really found a use for the standard coin in the game I am sure there is something down the line to spend it on, so I have been hoarding as much as I could so far.

Made it to the level 20 mark last night as well, so that meant a brand new PvP arena, and to my delight the first arena is still accessible just with a higher selection of participants. The new arena is a sort of control point game type where each side needs to take control of towers, each tower under your sides control grants your team points and which ever team gets to a set number of points first wins.

As with any PvP area in this game I am woefully inadequate. What I believe my problem is, is macro's. Or the lack of me using them. So while I have some free time in the next few hours I plan on searching high and low on the forums for help in setting up macro's in the game for fighting. (I also might make a switch to using bows instead of melee so I can stay ranged for a while ^_^ )

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